
Bookings for Maundy Meal Sign Up 2024

We're glad you want to join the Maundy Thursday Fellowship Meal.

The meal will be based on the Last Supper which Jesus celebrated with his disciples and will be a cross between a service and a dinner party! It’s a very meaningful and enjoyable occasion. The bulk of the “service” takes place over the starter. Once you get to the main course and pudding you can just relax and enjoy the meal together. There is a final reading and prayer to finish off the evening. 

Maundy Thursday is about serving one another and so everyone is asked to contribute something to the meal. It's like a bring and share but there are some very specific requirements. Please read through the list provided. You will need to bring one item for each person in your party.

The evening is certainly suitable, and a good experience, for secondary aged children and probably for most junior aged children too. Traditionally, children present ask the questions after the first pouring of wine, so we will get them involved!

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